Character Statistics

General Information

Character Statistics
Total Characters 7,743
Hero Heroes 5,168
Vigilante Vigilantes 79
Rogue Rogues 80
Villain Villains 1,597
Resistance Resistance 368
Loyalist Loyalists 213
Unknown PvP Only 23
Unknown Unknown 66
Level Statistics
Maximum Level 50
Minimum Level 1
Average Level 8.19
Hero Hero Level Statistics
Maximum Level 50
Minimum Level 1
Average Level 8.95
Villain2 Villain Level Statistics
Maximum Level 50
Minimum Level 1
Average Level 7.53
Monetary Statistics
Hero Influence 55,798,625,124
Villain Infamy 5,291,575,163
Loyalist Information 115,880,642
Total Total 61,206,499,834

Archetype Usage

Archetype Count
Blaster 1230
Mastermind 1140
Brute 962
Scrapper 791
Tanker 612
Controller 525
Sentinel 504
Dominator 398
Corruptor 395
Defender 337
Stalker 290
Peacebringer 169
Warshade 168
Arachnos Soldier 148
Arachnos Widow 74

Origin Usage

Origin Count
Magic 2248
Mutation 1912
Natural 1379
Technology 1147
Science 1057

Primary Powerset Usage

Powerset Count
Robotics 297
Demon Summoning 261
Fire Blast 179
Necromancy 175
Beast Mastery 175
Energy Blast 172
Luminous Blast 169
Umbral Blast 168
Dual Pistols 166
Invulnerability 151

Secondary Powerset Usage

Powerset Count
Dark Miasma 256
Regeneration 183
Energy Manipulation 173
Luminous Aura 169
Umbral Aura 168
Invulnerability 166
Fire Manipulation 164
Devices 161
Training And Gadgets 148
Regeneration 137

Ancillary Powerset Usage

Powerset Count
Energy Mastery 35
Body Mastery 35
Energy Mastery 22
Flame Mastery 20
Fire Mastery 16
Field Mastery 13
Force Mastery 13
Electrical Mastery 12
Munitions Mastery 11
Soul Mastery 8

Power Pool Usage

Flight 1230
Speed 768
Leaping 582
Sorcery 443
Leadership 406
Fighting 369
Teleportation 267
Invisibility 243
Force Of Will 119
Medicine 97