Character Profile

- Supergroup:
- The Jedi Knights Templar
- Primary:
- Energy Blast
- Secondary:
- Energy Manipulation
- Pools:
- Ancillery Pools:
Force Mastery
- XP Level:
- 48
- Experience:
- 30,636,796
- Influence:
- 195,940,739
- Last Seen:
- 2021-07-18
- Created:
- 2019-04-27
- Login Count:
- 165
- Total Time Played:
- 3 days, 21 hours
- Global:
- @J'rel Prestoo
- Forums:
J'rel Prestoo
Hailing from Denghaari Prime, J'rel was sent on an observation mission to observe the Rikti War from orbit. Humanity, in their fear, shot down his ship and his ship crashed to the planet below.
Stranded, he used his accumulated powers to help the other heroes of Paragon City push back the Rikti as best he was able. After the invasion was ultimately repelled, J'rel took upon himself a mostly observational role: to observe this new, fascinating species and, when needed, assist them to restore a measure of just order in a city wrought by crime.
Now, he waits for humanity to develop the technologies required to send him home--but one that doesn't involve wormholes. He doesn't trust wormholes.
Badge Tracking

J'rel Prestoo has collected 79 of 1601 badges.